Monday, February 2, 2009

Counting down the days...

I'm now at that point where I'm counting down the days til June 13th. I must admit, what Aaron and I are doing helps out tremendously. Some friends of who got married last July mentioned reading the books of Psalms - starting at day 150 days from the wedding. I mentioned this to Aaron - who liked the idea. Well, I started numbering the days - 150 days back from June 13th, so that I would know when we were to start reading. Day 150 was January 14th. I noticed that day 119 was on Valentine's Day. However, what I did was counted backwards, instead of counting numerical order. So, having said this, we've been reading Psalms, starting at 150. This, too, reminds us how many days we have left til our special day. I've found that these verses have been what I've needed in my daily life - time of reflection, thanksgiving, patience.


Amber said...

That is a great idea! What a perfect way to count down the days!

Ladybird said...

What an awesome idea! I am going to have to tell some of my engaged friends about this! How cool!