Sunday, August 24, 2008

Quote of the morning

So, around 5am, I had a three-fer come in with vomiting. The 9 y/o didn't look well at all - had been vomiting since 2100. The 7 y/o vomited in the parking garage and mainly just appeared tired. After all, it was 5am. The 5 y/o was fine - she hadn't started yet. Mom wanted her evaluated simply because her siblings were ill. One of our MDs goes to assess the patients.

And the youngest one said, "We had chicken for dinner, and we ate too much!"

I'm sure it didn't have everything to do with it, but it's definitely a possibility.


Joy said...

HAHA!! That's amazing =o)

Stephanie @ My Answered Prayer said...

That is so funny....You never know what those little ones are going to say or do...I know that a little too well.