Friday, January 4, 2008

A time to reflect

Another new year is here and as usual it calls us to spend some time in reflection. The pages of a fresh calendar urge us to look at life in four different directions...backward, forward, inward, and outward. Not only do we need to put into perspective the events of yesterday, we need to ponder what unfolds today and glance with anticipation down the road of tomorrow.

First, a look backward. No doubt you had some disappointments in the year just ended which still haunt your memory. But hopefully, you learned valuable lessons and gained important insights. And hopefully too, you enjoyed some pleasant moments which continue to cheer your heart.

Second, a look forward. This doesn't mean you should be apprehensive about the year that lies ahead, afraid of what might happen. You need not fear the future for God is already there. So develop a set of goals, put a plan into action, and pursue your dreams. Scripture reminds us in Proverbs 29:18...without a vision, the people perish.

Third, look inward. This direction beckons you to get in touch with the real person you are. You must take off the shroud hiding your inner self and put on the clothes of honesty and sincerity. You can't be true to others if you're not true to yourself.

And fourth, a new year calls you to look upward to rejoice in the majesty of God and to develop the habit of beginning each morning with a song of praise and ending each evening with a prayer of thanks.

Four directions ==> Backward, forward, inward, upward. My friend, why not pause right now and take a reflective look. If you do, you will be more than prepared to turn the calendar pages over and make the year 2008 the best year ever.


Ladybird said...

This is an AWESOME post! What a wonderful writer you are! I hope that you have a blessed new year.

Aaron said...

Very profound (but don't forget about aaronward)